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Hardware Specifications

Vendor/Brand Free/Iliad
ODM Product Code  
Chipset BCM63153
Flash 4GB eMMC 5.1 KLM4G1FETE-B041
RAM 2x 512MB DDR3L-1866 NT5CC128M16JR-EK
CPU Clock  
Load addr  
HSGMII ✅ (Only AFM0003ILD)
10GBaseX Yes
Optics SC/UPC
IP address
Web Gui
Serial baud 115200
Serial encoding 8-N-1
Form Factor CPE with SFP w/o MAC support


The serial port is routed through the USB-C port used for power (which is PD compliant, tested with a notebook power supply). The pins are SBU1 and SBU2, reversal is handled using an open drain buffer (SN74LVC2G07) so a pull-up resistor on RX is needed. On the power daughter board TP7 is TX and TP8 is RX. There is also a USB differential pair routed through the USB-C connector but there is no use for it yet. At the moment nothing more than a boot log is available. 1 2

Firmware is interchangeable with

List of software versions

List of partitions

Userful files and binaries

Useful files

Useful binaries

GPON ONU status

Get the operational status of the ONU

Get information of the OLT vendor

Querying a particular OMCI ME

Getting/Setting Speed LAN Mode

GPON/OMCI settings

Getting/Setting ONU GPON Serial Number

Getting/Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password

Getting/Setting ONU GPON LOID and LOID password

Getting/Setting OMCI software version (ME 7)

Getting/Setting OMCI hardware version (ME 256)

Getting/Setting OMCI vendor ID (ME 256)

Getting/Setting OMCI equipment ID (ME 257)

Advanced settings

Setting management MAC

Setting management IP

Rebooting the ONU

Creating a new rootfs

Flashing a new rootfs

SFP EEPROM settings

Reading all EEPROM

EEPROM (I2C slave simulated EEPROM)

EEPROM0 layout

EEPROM1 layout

Known Bugs

Miscellaneous Links

  1. Pwning the bcm61650 

  2. Firmware key extraction by gaining EL3